50 things to enjoy indoors during the Corona outbreak.

The first few months of 2020 in itself has seen a lot. The current pandemic of Covid-19 is a big blowout to everything and everyone. This pandemic has left most of us if not all to stay indoors, Self quarantined, Work from home, and to ourselves. In one way it’s good. We can get back…

Soaking in some history of the Salt Satyagraha

India is a land of diversity. Every place has its own long and rich cultural history. Every state is beautifully bound by its past and present. The western state of Gujarat is one such amazing Indian state with such a rich culture and history. One is bound to experience some beautiful ancient marvels here like…

Trying out the juiciest burgers in Goa-Cafe Basil, Miramar.

A warm earthy artistic ambience, cozy environment and bigger than your appetite portion of the juiciest burgers, that is what sums up cafe basil. Starting from the Miramar circle, two left’s followed by a right will drop you at it’s doorstep. Its a pretty little cafe and this wasn’t my first time here, but it…

5 free things to enjoy while travelling.

Travelling can really be expensive most of the times. We all know that. But Hey! Hold on before you put away thoughts about that long dreamt trip because it goes overboard with cash. Here are some things you can cut the cost with and enjoy for free. FREE FOOD We tend to spend a huge…

Faith exploration at Mount Mary church Bandra, Mumbai. India

Faith is a strange thing…it can move mountains..🙏 On my way to the church of the miraculous church of Mount Mary Bandra Mumbai India, I came across these catchy colourful bunch of candles. Many may know and it’s a common practise to offer candles made up of various shapes and sizes.. like in the pic….